Apr 14, 2020

Homemade Crafting for Easter - 10 Ideas for all the Family to Enjoy

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

When it comes to arts and crafts, there are loads of great ideas that you can do with your kids for Easter this year. Here are ten fun Easter craft ideas that the entire family can try.

Paper Wreaths:

Paper wreaths are fun and easy to make together and will brighten up your home for the occasion. Make an egg-shaped template from cardboard and use it to cut out pieces of patterned and colourful paper. Stick them onto card backgrounds, glue them into a circle and attach some ribbon to hang it up.

Easter Suncatchers:

Suncatchers are really pretty and easy to make. All you’ll need is some transparent card and colourful tissue paper. Cut the tissue paper into triangles and glue them onto the card, before framing them into cute Easter shapes like an egg or bunny outline.

Decorated Eggs:

Decorating eggs is a big Easter tradition all around the world. All you need to do is hard-boil eggs as normal and paint them with different colours and patterns. This is great for letting kids’ imaginations run wild!

Easter Art:

This one can be a bit messy so it’s a fantastic idea to try outdoors. Fill hollow eggshells with a range of different, brightly coloured paints and smash the eggs against a blank white canvas.

Bunny Planters:

These planters are super cute and great for families who love gardening. Spray a tin-can with white paint and turn it into a cute bunny by gluing on googly eyes, white and pink tails for feet, and a pink pom pom for the tail. Fill the tin with earth and spring flowers like daffodils or tulips.

Chick Puppets:

Chicks are a common sight at Easter, and these chick puppets are super cute and easy to make. Make an outline of your child’s hand with yellow paint on cardboard, and decorate with an orange card for the legs, yellow craft feathers, and googly eyes. Glue a jumbo straw to the back of the card to turn it into a puppet.

Sock Bunnies:

To make a super cute Easter sock bunny, fill a pair of socks with dry rice and fasten using clear elastic bands. Turn it into a little bunny with googly eyes, ribbon, felt and a pom pom for the tail.

Easter Bonnets:

While Easter bonnets are available to buy, making your own can also be a lot of fun. There are plenty of styles to choose from. You can get a plain bonnet and decorate it however you like. Make a cute sheep-themed hat by gluing cotton wool over the headpiece of an old sun hat. Use black card and googly eyes to make the sheep’s face and stick colourful flowers along the rim.

Easter Tree:

In some countries, Easter trees are a big tradition for this occasion. You can make your own with twigs and branches; wrap colourful fabric and thread around them and hang sweets and decorative Easter ornaments. It’s great for displaying your other Easter crafts!

Which of these will you be making with your family this Easter?