Mar 31, 2020

10 Ways to Keep Entertained at Home While Self-Isolating

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

If you’re one of the thousands of people who are currently self-isolating and you’re looking for ways to stay occupied or searching for an activity you can do indoors, here are some of our top suggestions that will help you get through the next few weeks:

1. Learn to Cook Something New

Cooking is a brilliant way for people who are self-isolating to relax. Not only will it help pass the time, but it may also lead you to try recipes that you’ve never considered in the past. The supermarkets are struggling to keep on top of the demand for food at the minute, so why not consider using up some of the foods you have in your cupboards? There are thousands of free recipes available online.

2. DIY

Lots of us have jobs that need completing around our homes, but we often don’t have the time to do them. Now is the perfect time to start and finish these jobs. Whether it's putting a TV on the wall or painting your skirting boards, why not get these jobs done now whilst you’ve got the chance?

3. Watch Your Favourite TV Shows

It’s not often that we are advised to stay at home and put our feet up. Why not spend some of your time enjoying your favourite TV shows and films? There are hundreds of films available to stream – you could even turn it into a movie day.

4. Start Yoga

Many people who are advised to stay at home will worry about the amount of activity they’re completing. Why not think about taking up a new hobby like yoga? It’s been shown not only to improve fitness but also help reduce stress levels, so a change of lifestyle to boot! It’s also an activity that can be completed in our own homes.

5. Read a Book

The majority of people have books in their homes that they haven’t had the chance to read. If you’ve read all of your books, then why not re-read them or download a new book from the internet? You’ve got the chance to put your feet up and enjoy losing yourself in a good book.

6. Start an Online Course

There are a number of courses available online. Why not spend your time in isolation, learning something new? You never know, it may even lead to a pay-rise when you go back to work.

7. Play Board Games/Complete a Puzzle

Many of us stuck in isolation are cooped up with others. If this is the case, then playing board games is a brilliant family activity that will help pass the time. Puzzles are a great choice too.

8. Contact Your Loved Ones

Most people across the country will find themselves having to self-isolate at some point. It’s extremely important that we stay in contact with one another. One good way of doing this is via video calling. This will allow you to see your loved ones without worrying about passing on any bugs.

9. Learn a New Hobby

Now is the perfect time for people who are self-isolating to learn a new hobby. There are hundreds of hobbies you could choose to take up. Why not look into knitting, card making or cross-stitch? Whatever you enjoy, there’s a hobby suitable for you.

10. Technology

In this day and age, there’s so much technology available that we're spoilt for choice. You could spend some time browsing through Facebook or play a game on your games console. Technology can also help us keep in contact with the loved ones we won't see for a while.

While self-isolating may be daunting to some, there are a number of things we can do to help improve the experience. From cooking to learning a new hobby, contacting loved ones or learning yoga, there’s certainly lots to stop us from getting bored.

Above all, Stay in and Stay Safe!